I am Luke B

Finn from Adventure Time – 3D ZBrush & Blender Sculpt
Finn from Adventure Time by gelous on Sketchfab What's this all about I hear you ask. Well, while trying to learn some Zbrush, I thought I would work on a competition over at Sketchfab. I chose to recreate Finn from Adventure Time in 3D. I had never used ZBrush, or...

GoDaddy Managed WordPress Review – Is it Worth It?
Ok, so, If I'm honest, we probably wouldn't be doing a review of the Godaddy Managed Wordpress package (Managed WP for short) if it all went perfectly well. When I decided to go with Managed WordPress, it was because I had been won over to the idea during a phone...

I Love Fantastic Beasts and Imaginary Creatures
For those that know me, this is no surprise - since I was a child, I was completely in awe of all manner of imaginary creatures, fantastic beasts, and legends that contained them. From the minotaur to dragons, to gryphons and everything in between, I was completely...
Mac Gets VR, But I don’t… Yet
Excited about the new and improved focus on high-end pro-level Macs and VR in general. As a lover of 3D, the graphics card has always been a bit of a drawback in the Mac, especially when it isn't really user upgradable. The idea of Thunderbolt eGPU's has actually got...

New Lego Blog!
I have been helping some friends set up a LEGO blog that will feature some reviews, news, and custom LEGO projects. Everything LEGO. We hope to make some original content, such as Vlogs and custom builds. We are currently working our the details, and they are picking...

Emergency Plumber Custom 404 Page Tutorial
This is a little bit of fun... I thought it would be nice to add a little custom 404 page, to pay them back for some awesome work, for their Emergency Plumber 365 website. Great guys from Harrow, so I thought it would be fun to make a little 3D, but retro...
Doctor Strange UK Premiere
I was recently lucky enough to be invited to the Doctor Strange premiere in the UK. We were treated to a surprise visit from Benedict Cumberbatch and a few of his fellow actors from the film. You can read my review of Doctor Strange here. A short video of the speech...

Revisiting the Train with Materials in Blender Cycles
This is a small update about the train that I had made before. I found it pretty fun to work on all the aspects of the train - I do enjoy a bit of steam punk for sure. But then as I started working on the detail it became more and more laborious. I am not a plumber,...

Odeon Limitless – is it a Good Deal?
Odeon Limitless is here, yes Odeon has finally joined the likes of Cineworld - who have previously offered an all-you-can-eat cinema. As the name suggests you can view as many films as you want every month for a fairly reasonable 17.99 per month (outside Central...

Balanced VS Unbalanced Cable, What’s the difference?
Do you often ask yourself what the difference between a balanced VS unbalanced cable is? Well so did I for a long time, in fact I went through a phase (no pun intended) of replacing a lot of my leads with balanced XLR cables, only to realise I had been replacing...
Luke B. Awesome Stuff n’ Things
If you think I could help you with something interesting, then get in touch. I love art, design, and all that good stuff.

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